Mallee – Australia 2025

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  1. I can remember a time when there were 2 Federal seats in the area Mallee and Wimmera

    The next redistribution will be interesting as both mallee and Wannon will have to expand and as Mallee has had the same boundaroes for the past 2 redistributions this could cause some interesting movemnts but the easiest way I see Mallee moving is picking up (in 7 years time about 10,000 electors from Nicholls) as Mallee’s current actual enrollmetns are not keeping pace witht eh the projected enrollments

  2. @ Darth Vader

    If Vic gain an extra seat, based on current enrollments voer the past 14 month Mallee would be 2,000 votes under the new average.

    If this is the csae It would prably need to pick up around 5,000 voters in a future redistirbuion to allow for the next 7 years after the redistribtion

  3. Captain Mooonlight
    Elder respects to you.
    If Victorians are allocated an additional seat after the next twelve-month point ‘entitlement’ muster, then, that will cock the hammer on a redistribution. Then the figures for early 2026 will then be determinative; < nineteen months hence, not ‘seven years from July 2024.’ (under trigger type c)

    Now that Wannon has encompassed Anglsea and adjacent surfcoast, it will beat its targets at successive allocations, which opens the possibility of Mallee expanding in a southerly direction in the far future. The location of the new seat next time around will determine the variable borders of large NW rural seats.


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